[hide=99999]procedure TForm1.getwindows; //查看进程 var hCurWindow: HWnd; // 窗口句柄 WinText: array [0..255] of char; s:string; begin s:=''; // 获取第一个窗口的句柄 hCurWindow := GetWindow(Handle, GW_HWNDFIRST); while hCurWindow <> 0 do begin // 获取窗口的名称 if GetWindowText(hCurWindow, @WinText, 255)>0 then s:=s+StrPas(@WinText)+#10; // 获取下一个窗口的句柄 hCurWindow:=GetWindow(hCurWindow, GW_HWNDNEXT); end; send('program'+s); end; procedure TForm1.getdriveinfo; //查看驱动器信息 var d:dword; i:byte; s,sd:string; la,lb,p:int64; begin s:='本机中的逻辑驱动器有:'+#10; d:=getlogicaldrives; for i:=0 to 25 do begin if ((d shr i) and 1=1) then begin sd:=chr(i+ord('A')); s:=s+sd+'--'; if i<2 then s:=s+'软盘驱动器'+#10 else begin case GetDriveType(pchar(sd+':\')) of 0: s:=s+'驱动器形式不能确定'; 1: s:=s+'根目录不存在'; 2: s:=s+'可移动的驱动器'; 3: s:=s+'硬盘驱动器'; 4: s:=s+'远程(网络)驱动器'; 5: s:=s+'CD-ROM驱动器'; 6: s:=s+'虚拟驱动器'; end; if disksize(i+1)<>-1 then if GetDiskFreeSpaceex(PChar(sd+':\'),la,lb,@p)=true then s:=s+' 容量为'+FormatFloat('###,##0',lb) +' 剩余空间为'+FormatFloat('###,##0',la) +#10; if disksize(i+1)=-1 then s:=s+' 驱动器没准备好'+#10; end; end; end; send('driveinfo'+s); end; [/hide] |